CAMK2 Syndrome

Gauger SJ, et al. (2024) CaMKIIα hub ligands are unable to reverse known phenotypes in Angelman syndrome mice. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. Pubmed

Cheung JS, et al. (2024) CAMK2; four genes, one syndrome? Delineation of genotype-phenotype correlations. Curr Opin Neurobiol. Pubmed

Rigter PMF, (2024) Role of CAMK2D in neurodevelopment and associated conditions. Am J Hum Genet. Pubmed

Rigter PMF, de Konink C, van Woerden GM. (2023). Loss of CAMK2G affects intrinsic and motor behavior but has minimal impact on cognitive behavior. Front Neurosci. Jan 6;16:1086994. Pubmed

Rigter PMF, (2022) Adult Camk2a gene reinstatement restores the learning and plasticity deficits of Camk2a knockout mice. Pubmed

Dwyer BK, (2022) Case Report: Developmental Delay and Acute Neuropsychiatric Episodes Associated With a de novo Mutation in the CAMK2B Gene (c.328G>A p.Glu110Lys) Front Pharmacol. 10;13:794008 Pubmed

Onori MP & van Woerden GM. (2021) Role of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase 2 in neurodevelopmental disorders. Brain Res Bull. S0361-9230(21)00090-3 Pubmed

Moro A, (2020) CaMKll controls neuromodulation via neuropeptide gene expression and axonal targeting of neuropeptide vesicles. PLoS Biol. Pubmed

Kool MJ, et al. (2019) CAMK2-dependent signaling in neurons is essential for survival. J Neurosci. 39; 5424–39. Pubmed

Vargas JY, et al. (2019) The Wnt/Ca 2+ pathway is involved in interneuronal communication mediated by tunneling nanotubes. EMBO J. Pubmed

Onori MP, et al. (2018) The intellectual disability-associated CAMK2G p.Arg292Pro mutation acts as a pathogenic gain-of-function. Hum Mutat. 39; 2008–24. Pubmed

Küry S, et al. (2017) De Novo Mutations in Protein Kinase Genes CAMK2A and CAMK2B Cause Intellectual Disability. Am J Hum Genet. 101; 768–88. Pubmed

Kool MJ, (2016) The molecular, temporal and region-specific requirements of the beta isoform of Calcium/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 2 (CAMK2B) in mouse locomotion. Sci Rep. Pubmed

Achterberg KG, et al. (2014) Temporal and region-specific requirements of αCaMKII in spatial and contextual learning. J Neurosci. 34; 11180–7. Pubmed

Woerden G, (2009) betaCaMKll controls the direction of plasticity at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses. Nat Neurosci. 12(7); 823-5. Pubmed

Hojjati M, (2007) Kinase activity is not required for alphaCaMKll-dependent presynaptic plasticity at CA3-CA1 synapses. Nat Neurosci. 10(9); 1125-7. Pubmed

Hansel C, (2006) alphaCaMKll is essential for cerebellar LTD and motor learning. Neuron. 51(6); 835-43. Pubmed

Elgersma Y, (2004) Mouse genetic approaches to investigating calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ll function in plasticity and cognition. J Neurosci. 24(39); 8410-5. Pubmed

Elgersma Y, (2002) Inhibitory autophosphorylation of CaMKll controls PSD association, plasticity and learning. Neuron. 36(3); 493-505. Pubmed