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Rianne Oostenbrink receives Rare Angel Award


Pediatrician Rianne Oostenbrink has received the Rare Angel Award. She was presented with the award last Friday by the VSOP, on Rare Disease Day, for her efforts in the field of neurofibromatosis. 

A Rare Angel Award is given to someone who has made a special contribution to patients with a rare condition. Rianne is committed to children who have the rare condition neurofibromatosis. This is a genetic condition that causes tumors on nerve tissue.  


The Neurofibromatosis patient association (NFVN) nominated her for the award. According to chairwoman Ine Israëls, Rianne deserves the award because she is the driving force behind the NF1 Care Network, which consists of the Erasmus MC expertise center for neurofibromatosis type 1,eleven treatment centres and four intervention centres. In addition, it is committed to European cooperation and to the roll-out and implementation of new medication.  

Israëls: ‘Rianne is a very enthusiastic and knowledgeable person. She has given NF1 much more exposure. We are proud that she has won the Rare Angel Award.’  


Rianne herself is ‘very surprised and honoured’. ‘What I think is great is that the initiative comes from the patient association. That does mean something.’ According to Rianne, it reflects the collaboration between the expertise centre and the patient association. ‘We work together to improve care for patients with NF.’ She also calls this award a great incentive for the future, with a number of ongoing research projects and activities for the organisation of patient care, together with colleagues from ENCORE and the national NF1 expertise network

Film Rare Diseases Center 

Rianne can also be seen in the film of the Rare Diseases Center. Have you never seen it? Then it is definitely recommended to see it here.



Today is Rare Disease Day, a day when we want to raise awareness for people suffering from rare diseases. A group of people that is not that rare if you add everyone up. There are more than 300 million people worldwide with a rare disease.

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WANTED! Student for designing information material about sleep problems in children with Angelman syndrome.


Wat zoeken we: we weten wat we willen vertellen, maar vormgeven kunnen we niet. We zoeken een student die met ons samen hieraan wil werken en die is staat is om deze video’s van een grafische vormgeving te voorzien. We denken bijvoorbeeld aan een geanimeerde infographic/tekeningen. We willen bewust geen filmpje van een echt kind, omdat we denken dat dat het voor ouders minder makkelijk maakt om hun eigen situatie op de informatie te projecteren.

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Today is International Angelman day


There are approximately 150 children with Angelman syndrome living in the Netherlands. These children have been helped in the ENCORE expertise center since 2010. A lot of research is also done in the ENCORE expertise center, both fundamental and clinical. For example, we participate in the TANGELO trail of Roche.

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ENCORE runs the Runexpected sponsor run


On Saturday 21 May, employees of our ENCORE expertise center put on their running shoes and took part in the Runexpected, a sponsored run to raise money for scientific research into Neurofibromatosis.

There were employees from several departments of the party, such as child and adolescent psychiatry/psychology, pediatrics and neurology adults.

It was a very nice and funny event where our team put its best foot forward and ran with great pleasure. Parents and patients were very happy with our involvement.

We are very proud that we were able to raise a nice amount together! In total, more than 100,000 euros has been raised!! How fantastic!

Focus on learning a movement task in adults with NF1


We hebben volwassenen met NF1 getest op aandacht en op het aanleren van een nieuwe bewegingstaak in een experimentele omgeving. We observeerden geen verschil tussen volwassenen met en zonder NF1 in de uitvoering van de taken betreffende alertheid, volgehouden aandacht en het aanleren van een motorische vaardigheid. Behalve dat volwassenen met NF1 iets langzamer waren in hun bewegingen tijdens de bewegingstaak.

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